Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thank you from the Conference 2008 team

This is the last update from the LIANZA Conference 2008 team. It feels rather sad, as if the very act of writing this means conference is over. But, of course, it’s not. What you hear and see at conference stays with you for a very long time. (And I’m not just talking about this)

If you couldn’t make it to Conference then there is plenty of information online.

The Conference papers are in
LIANZA’s online library Look for "LIANZA 2008"
[Edit 4 March 2009: based on a comment try this direct link instead]

The official photos

The unofficial photos

We had a team live blogging during the conference and you can
find out which sessions they went to.

Professor Lessig’s keynote presentation is available online.

Dylan Horrock’s slide show is available online.

We encouraged everyone to tag their online content with #LIANZA2008 so have a look and see what you can find.

Thank you from the Conference 2008 team to everyone who made Poropitia Outside the Box so memorable.