Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Good bye.

Hi NZ Librarians, I'm leaving NZ to head home to Australia. Having been in NZ for about 20 years now, both the people and the country have captured a piece of my heart and I'm not totally sure that NZ isn't home too. I'm almost fond of Auckland's fickle weather.

I have a job in City of Sydney Libraries. Currently PLs are protesting a cut in funding from State Govt, so it looks like things will be difficult over there.

I wish you all the best for the conference. I have confidence that the committee will achieve its objective of making it outside the box - great fun and plenty to interest all sectors. I'll keep an eye out for developments.

Best wishes


Monday, January 14, 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you all!

Coming up on the blog this year we'll have more posts on progress as we get closer to Conference. Look out for contributions from members of the committee - maybe a few sneak previews? We can also be found on the LIANZA website, Facebook, Myspace and Flickr.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Mihi o te tau hou

E rau rangatira ma, tena koutou katoa

E mihi mahana o te tau hou nei. E tumanako ana matou, kua pai o koutou wa whakata, o wa hararei hoki. No reira, nau mai hoki mai ki Poropitia.

Kaua koutou e warewaretia te wa hui o Te Rau Herenga o Aotearoa. Ko 2-5 Whiringa-a-nuku 2008. Ka tono atu inaianei ki o koutou kaiwhakahaere, tumuaki, kaiarahi hoki. No reira, he tangata ano ma te maui, he tangata ano ma te matau. No reira, tena tatou katoa.