Thursday, November 29, 2007

Update from the Programme team

Thanks to those who have posted to the blog over the last few days - if you haven't taken a look for a while, zip through the comments and see the ideas coming forward. Others emailed to us include:
  • hybrid library models - what's the potential, what has worked, what are the learnings?
  • copyright and rights management - what are the myths and what are the facts? What do libraries need to know?
  • making contact with research communities
  • service development using web 2.0
  • maintaining registration - how will it support or change professional development?

Keep blogging....

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Introducing Julia Wilson - Programme sub-committee

"My library background includes experience of working in public libraries and the National Library. I recently spent ten years outside the library world - living and working in South Korea and Sydney, before returning to N Z to help run a family business in Auckland, returning to the library world about 2 years ago.
I am delighted to be part of a dynamic team organising the 2008 conference, especially the opportunity to be involved with the programme, for what will be a fantastic, inspiring, not-to-be missed conference!"

Monday, November 26, 2007

Introducing Greg Morgan - Programme chair

"I am Lifelong learning manager at Auckland City Libraries Tāmaki Pātaka Kōrero. Previously I was national library manager for the Royal New Zealand Foundation of the Blind, and had earlier managed the law and medical libraries at the University of Auckland. I'm a lay preacher in the Methodist Church of NZ - Te Hāhi Weteriana o Aotearoa, am learning NZ Sign Language and serve as a trustee on the NZ Ministry with the Deaf Trust.

What's the appeal of being involved with LIANZA conference 2008? It's the chance to work across sectors and be part of an event which excites the profession and increases its influence. The Programme subcommittee is looking to combine the successes of past conferences with fresh approaches to surprise, challenge, and energise us. Outside the Box - Poropitia will make an impact!"

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thinking about the programme

We are receiving a lot of suggestions for conference content and formats. Suggestions emailed in have included:

  • research on learning: implications for libraries
  • presentation or panel involving authors
  • masterclass sessions from experts in fields connected to - but outside - libraries: like this idea? any thoughts as to what you and your colleagues could see such sessions covering? A waiata masterclass, for instance?
  • accessing and managing publicly available stats - how are these used to good effect? case studies?
  • strategies for employment retention - understanding who is working in libraries and what'll motivate a diverse range of people to stay
  • customers designing library services and spaces ... Where, how? first steps?

Any of these spark? Feel welcome to add to the list. And check out the comments left on the posts below.

Last night I went to one of the many "where to from here for LIANZA" meetings that have been held around the country. There weren't a lot of people there, but those who were seemed to be passionate about LIANZA conferences and the benefits of attending (little mention of the economic benefit to LIANZA, though!).

This morning I came in to work knowing that I had a varied day in front of me. Some LIANZA Conference stuff to do, next year's budget to draft (it was only due last Friday and as I am in a new job I have no idea of my starting point), a summary report to Council on the latest publication in the Quality of Life project, a Leadership Development Forum meeting, a farewell for the CEO, one of the fantastic North Shore Libraries Foundation author events ... you know the kind of thing. And all the while outside my window there are trees dressed in green and gold - reminding me that I would love to be home in the garden.

However, there are benefits in being at my desk and writing this is one of them. It's my first post to a blog and therefore a step into a new future - just as I hope the 2008 LIANZA Conference will help you (and me) step into a new future. New ideas, new opportunities, and the recognition that though we all change and adapt at different paces, change and adapt we must.

This Conference Committee has about a year less than most conference committees to deliver a conference to you. We have chosen to use the additional focus that shorter time provides to see what we can do differently. Look out for information about the programme framework, the social events, and the sponsorship packages in early 2008 - so the earlier you let us know about your suggestions the more chance you have of them being incorporated.

Introducing Anahera Morehu - Bicultural Liasion

"Ka tu oku waewae i nga whenua o Te Rarawa me Te Aupouri
Ka mau oku ringaringa i nga whenua o Ngati Kahu me Ngati Whatua
Ko toku tuara te tahuhu o Ngapuhi
No reira, ko au tetahi uri no Te Whare Tapu o Ngapuhi
Ko Anahera Morehu toku ingoa

I have the great privilege of working for Te Tumu Herenga at Te Whare Wananga o Tamaki Makaurau. It has been a great challenge which I have absolutely adored. Being asked to take part in LIANZA Conferencer 2008 has been a task that although daunting at first, has created opportunities for me to expand horizons. I have the task of helping with the bicultural portfolio, and with the help of my esteemed colleagues, we shall provide you with some awe inspiring activities as well as get those taste buds flowing with the many delicious treats on offer. Like the eternity ring that has no beginning and no end, enjoy the freedom within your conference."

Friday, November 16, 2007

Introducing Beverly Fletcher - Conference convenor

"I’m currently on secondment to Rodney District Council’s CEO Support Unit as a Senior Strategic Advisor; before this I was Manager, Libraries for the Council as part of a varied career in libraries and a variety of roles in LIANZA and its predecessors. I’ve always enjoyed being involved in work and projects that make a difference for my communities, for my organisation, and for my staff.

I got involved in the 2008 Conference when I realised that there was only a year to go and a convenor hadn’t been appointed – I figured I knew enough people to put a good team together who would once again come up with the goods, and Sue Cooper assured me the workload was manageable and TCC was great to work with. Two out of three of these have already come true – I’m reserving judgment on the workload!

We plan to deliver you a conference with a difference – one which will challenge you, change you, and help you change libraries. "

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Keep them coming

There are some really great comments coming through on the first post telling us what you think Conference 2008 could be about. Don't feel you have to be limited to one comment. The more the merrier as far as we're concerned. You can win something too. Just what you could win will be revealed next week...

We may have been a bit cryptic over just what Poropitia Outside the Box means. We didn't want to influence your thinking but we forgot everyone needs a framework to think in before starting to think outside of that. (Oops.) Therefore the definitions in Define LIANZA 2008 have been updated to include a fuller description of what Poropitia means. We think it's exciting so be sure to head over and take a look. Your comments are also being added into the mix. This will be done regularly so don't expect that page to stay the same.

If you have any other comments but don't want the whole world to see them drop us a line at or email one of the committee direct.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


E rau rangatira ma, tena koutou katoa

Kia kaha koutou i te whainga, me era atu i whakahapai nga iwi o te Ao, no reira, tena tatou katoa.
Ko te mahi nei, kia whakawhiti korero, whiriwhiri whakaaro e pa ana ki te mahi nei, o Poropitia, te hui tahi o tatou katoa. Ka mahi koe i te whare taonga, matauranga, rangahautanga me era atu hoki, nau mai, piki mai, kake mai. Homai o koutou whakaaro e pa ana ki te korero nei.
Ae ra, ka haere mai wetahi korero e pa ana ki te whakapakehatia o te kupu nei, ko Poropitia, engari, whakaaro kei waho i te pouaka. Ko te mahi tenei, he orite i Te Ao Marama. Ka rere atu i te po, ka rere atu i te ao, engari, ko te mea tuatahi, ka rere.
No reira, e kore e hekeheke he kakano rangatira. E tatari ana matou katoa.

What's this all about then?

Kiaora and haere mai.

You're here to find out about LIANZA Conference 2008 aren't you? You're asking yourself "what does Poropitia Outside the Box mean?" We can give you the definitions. They're on the sidebar to the right under "Define LIANZA 2008". But that doesn't really tell you what you're going to get out of it. That doesn't actually tell you why you should come or who else is going to be there or what difference it's going to make to your workplace or to your staff or to your self.

Well, it's in Auckland. And it's Poropitia Outside the Box so guess what - we want you to tell us about Conference 2008. Oh, we have our ideas and plans; we're not just floundering around in the dark. Of course we can't promise anything's your conference too. As an incentive, we'll be giving away some fabulous things. All you have to do is comment by the end of November. Winners announced December 3.

What does Poropitia Outside the Box mean to you?